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Willkommen 🤗 das hier ist ein Safe Space in dem ich über Themen wie Achtsamkeit, Hochsensibilität, Persönlichkeitsentwicklung & Gesundheit spreche. Ab und zu teile ich vegane Rezepte und Vlogs. Schön, dass du da bist. 🤎
Joel Fuhrman, M.D. is a board-certified family physician, seven-time New York Times best-selling author and internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing. He specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional met...
🌱Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes For All 💚Many Top 9 Free 📍NJ, USA 🎉 150K+ on Youtube 💌: #MakeItDairyFree ↓Recipes↓
Discover the Lifestyle that Changes YOUR Health Destiny! Whole Food Plant Based living! For more ideas and recipes, visit My goal is to help people transform their health! @DrJSchumacher My journey to a healthier lifestyle bega...