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3 Impact Videos
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Leslie Durso's youtube page where you can find recipes, tips for healthy living and how to stay healthy while traveling! For more recipes and articles visit my site! The link is below :)
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Doug McNish @doug-mcnish

Award winning vegan chef, media personality, brand spokesperson, 4 times cookbook author and more! Tune in for recipe videos and more all about veganism. At one time I cooked animals for a living. I woke up and realized veganism was the only way t...

162k subscribers
Gabrielle St Claire @gabrielle-st-claire

I'm a clinical nutritionist with a BS & MS in nutrition, a private yoga instructor, plant based chef, and future cookbook author. My objective is to make cooking more approachable to ultimately get people in the kitchen and connecting with their food...

6.7k subscribers
Mic the Vegan @mic-the-vegan

Mic the Vegan is a vegan science writer that covers a variety of topics from the health effects of a vegan diet and the environmental impact of eating animal products to the sociological phenomenon of casual animal exploitation. Based in the U.S., he...

15.9k subscribers
Tess Begg @tess-begg

Welcome to my channel! Subscribe for Plant-Based Recipes and Workouts Follow me on Instagram & TikTok @tessbegg

1.2k subscribers
yummypilgrim @yummypilgrim

Hello 👋 Hier dreht sich alles um die schönste Sache der Welt: Essen! Wenn ihr auch solche Foodies seid wie ich, dann abonniert am besten gleich meinen Kanal für viele neue Rezept-Ideen! Mal asiatisch, mal gut bürgerlich, cross-over aber immer schne...

9.2M subscribers