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Never underestimate a vegetarian hippie chick with a race car. I like wind farms, solar panels, scuba diving & going 200 mph. Discovery's #1 eco athlete. My Tesla runs on sunshine. leilani.green
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Vegan Food Share
Welcome to Vegan Food Share!! #VeganFoodShare is a collective of like minded individuals who are ready to share what they have to offer in the Vegan and veg related community. Please subscribe, like, and share! Stay tuned for a wide variety of...
50.2k subscribers
Mischa Janiec
Yo was geht ab, Mischa hier! Reise mit mir um die Welt, lerne von mir und lass dich von meinem Lifestyle inspirieren, dein geilstes Leben für dich zu kreieren. ► Lerne die entscheidenden Schritte kennen, um deine persönliche Bestimmung zu finden und...
164 subscribers