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2 Impact Videos
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LAURA THEODORE, The "JAZZY VEGETARIAN" speaks to health conscious people of all ages, focusing on 100% vegan recipes and green lifestyle tips to help people live a more balanced and sustainable lifestyle. The easy to prepare and delicious recipes are perfect for dedicated vegans and omnivores alike who are on the path to finding wellness and compassion for animals through plant-based and earth-friendly food choices.
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MommyVegan @mommyvegan

I am a vegan mommy, certified children's yoga instructor. Passionate about spreading the message of health and compassion.

1.2k subscribers
TheRiverGarden @therivergarden

I'm a mom from Canada, raising two vegan children. On my channel I talk about vegan food, meal prep, budgeting, gardening, fitness and minimalism. Subscribe for weekly videos!

1.3k subscribers
edgyveg @edgyveg

🌱#Vegan Recipes with Attitude Food Built Differently | Edgy by Nature 🎥YouTube: TheEdgyVeg 🔻Click Link for New #Recipes, #Videos & #Cookbook

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