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The #1 Vegan Taste Test Channel on Youtube! Find amazing new vegan products + great resources for learning about living and maintaining a vegan life. Check out our linked channels for delicious vegan recipes! New videos every Thursday at 11am...
The feature film Forks Over Knives examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting animal-based and processed foods.
NutritionFacts.org is a science-based nonprofit organization founded by Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM, that provides free updates on the latest in nutrition research via bite-sized videos, blogs, podcasts, and infographics. We are strictly non-commercia...
Welcome to my Youtube channel, you'll find videos filled with tips on living a kind, radiant life, full of deliciousness!