Italia Plant Based

Impactor Stats
1 Impact Video
89.8k Total Followers
89.8k Subscribers
Ciao, io sono Nico. Benvenuti nella mia piccola cucina vegetale. Qui trovate ricette classiche in chiave vegana, buone quanto quelle tradizionali. Ve lo prometto 🙂

Dopo aver vissuto in mezzo mondo, ho deciso di tornare nella mia bella Italia 🍉☀️🇮🇹. Se come me siete appassionati per il cibo buono e per uno stile di vita sostenibile, questa è la comunità che fa per voi.

Benvenuti 🙂
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Suggested Impactors
Mic the Vegan @mic-the-vegan

Mic the Vegan is a vegan science writer that covers a variety of topics from the health effects of a vegan diet and the environmental impact of eating animal products to the sociological phenomenon of casual animal exploitation. Based in the U.S., he...

15.8k subscribers
Cameron Philip K @cameron-philip-k

the second chapter,,, one where i am happy :)

1.2k subscribers
Channon Rose @channon-rose

Hi! I'm Channon Rose! I post a new videos once a week! I post DIY's, eco friendly tips, lifestyle videos, mom videos, and vegan recipe videos. Subscribe to check out my latest video upload, it's like a surprise, you never know what you are going to g...

56.4k subscribers
Elena Miami @elena-miami

Привет! Я Лена. Занимаюсь йогой, спортом, духовным развитием и много путешествую. На этом канале я продвигаю осознанный образ жизни и делюсь своим опытом и знаниями. У меня очень информативные видео, которые меняют жизни людей. Этот канал создан для...

46.4k subscribers
Rich Roll @rich-roll

Thanks for stopping by! I used to be an unhealthy corporate lawyer. At 40 I decided to change my life. I switched to a 100% plant-based diet, lost 50 pounds and started exploring human potential across a spectrum mind/body/spirit disciplines: ultra-e...

41.8k subscribers