Impactor Stats
6 Impact Videos
515 Total Followers
515 Subscribers
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Suggested Impactors
Jeanne Schumacher - Simply Plant Based @jeanne-schumacher-simply-plant-based

Discover the Lifestyle that Changes YOUR Health Destiny! Whole Food Plant Based living! For more ideas and recipes, visit www.jschumacher.org. My goal is to help people transform their health! @DrJSchumacher My journey to a healthier lifestyle bega...

4.7M subscribers
Ellen Fisher @ellen-fisher

sharing my love of healthy plant food, gentle parenting, and our simple island life

476k subscribers
Julieanna Hever @julieanna-hever

Julieanna Hever, MS, RD, CPT, The Plant-Based Dietitian, has a BA in Theatre and an MS in Nutrition, bridging her biggest passions for food, presenting, and helping people. She has authored nine books, including the new Choose You Now Diet, The Healt...

513k subscribers
Audrey Dunham @audrey-dunham

Vegan living has never been easier or more delicious! See how to quickly make vegan meals and treats by watching Audrey Dunham's short videos. Bonus: most of these recipes are gluten free, as well!

6.3k subscribers
Simply Quinoa @simply-quinoa

Welcome to Simply Quinoa! We're here to teach you how to make easy, flexitarian recipes that are delicious and healthy! In addition to our super yummy recipes, here you'll also find wellness videos covering topics like natural beauty, sleep, sustaina...

76.3k subscribers