Heavenlynn Healthy

Impactor Stats
5 Impact Videos
5k Total Followers
5k Subscribers
Heavenlynn Healthy developed through a passion for healthy foods and an active lifestyle. I have been experimenting with different foods and diets for many years now, and I have come to the conclusion that my body feels best when given plant-based nutrients that are completely meat-, dairy- and refined sugar-free. However, food should remain a passion and not an obsession and when you constantly worry about what you can and cannot eat, it can be exhausting and stressful. That's why I am a true supporter of cheat days, and I do not constantly worry about what I eat. On Heavenlynn Healthy I want to show you how fun and colorful eating healthy can be - so follow me for holistic happiness with natural ingredients.
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Suggested Impactors
Pia Kraftfutter @pia-kraftfutter

Hi, Pia hier. Ich bezeichne mich als Vollzeitaktivistin und nutze Youtube, um mit euch über mir wichtige Themen zu sprechen: Tierrecht, Veganismus, Aktivismus, Politik, Klimakrise, Nachhaltigkeit, Liebe, Sexualität, Partnerschaft. Danke, dass du hier...

109k subscribers
That'll Learn Ya @thatll-learn-ya

Discussing news, gaming and other stuff.

24.5k subscribers
Doug McNish @doug-mcnish

Award winning vegan chef, media personality, brand spokesperson, 4 times cookbook author and more! Tune in for recipe videos and more all about veganism. At one time I cooked animals for a living. I woke up and realized veganism was the only way t...

162k subscribers
Ellen Fisher @ellen-fisher

sharing my love of healthy plant food, gentle parenting, and our simple island life

476k subscribers
James Aspey @james-aspey

Puttin the G in veGan

1.2M subscribers