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Your go-to nutritionist for plant-based and vegan weight loss! Creator of the Slim on Starch 8-week weight loss program. New video every Wednesday and Saturday! SUBSCRIBE!

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INSTAGRAM: @healthyemmie
EMAIL: healthyemmie@gmail.com
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Nutrition Rounds @nutrition-rounds

Welcome to Nutrition Rounds, with Dr. Danielle Belardo, the podcast for anyone interested in learning about plant based nutrition though an evidence based approach. Every week we share insights and interviews with physicians who are leading experts i...

16.9k subscribers
NikkiVegan @nikkivegan

Hey guys! I'm Nicole, welcome to my channel! I make healthy vegan recipes, share easy meal ideas and grocery hauls, and post vlogs like What I Eat in a Day videos to show how easy, practical, and delicious it can be to eat more plants! My hope is tha...

3.3k subscribers
Nathalie Kemna @nathalie-kemna

Hi allemaal! Ik ben Nathalie en leuk dat jullie een kijkje nemen op mijn YouTube kanaal! Ik blog op www.nathalie-kemna.nl, Instagram @nathaliekemna, studeer en post sinds kort filmpjes van mijn leven. In mijn vlogs neem je een kijkje in mijn persoonl...

14k subscribers
PlantBasedProfessor @plantbasedprofessor

Welcome to the Plant Based Professor channel! My name is Hilah and I'm here to help you on your journey to a plant based diet! My goal in this channel is to use my background in nutrition, education, and biology to help you achieve your goal of mai...

2M subscribers
BananaTV @bananatv

Videos that you may find a-peeling :P

0 subscribers