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Galileo ist die ProSieben Wissenssendung mit Aiman Abdallah, Stefan Gödde und Funda Vanroy. Täglich um 19.05 Uhr kannst Du auf ProSieben die Welt kennen und verstehen lernen. Galileo nimmt Dich mit auf eine Reise durch das Wissen: Physik, Geschichte, Natur und Internetphänomene, Gesellschaft, Politik und alltägliche Fragen.

Alle Videos, Bilder und News zu Galileo findest du auf: prosieben.de/tv/galileo
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mirellativegal @mirellativegal

Hallo, ich bin Mirella Precek und ich bin kreativer als dieser Text vermuten lässt.

1k subscribers
Farm Transparency Project - formerly Aussie Farms @farm-transparency-project-formerly-aussie-farms

Farm Transparency Project (FTP) is a non-profit animal protection charity, dedicated to ending the abuse and exploitation of animals in farms, slaughterhouses and other commercial settings. Through comprehensive investigations, documentary films, and...

1k subscribers
Make It Dairy Free @make-it-dairy-free

The #1 Vegan Taste Test Channel on Youtube! Find amazing new vegan products + great resources for learning about living and maintaining a vegan life. Check out our linked channels for delicious vegan recipes! New videos every Thursday at 11am...

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Erin Janus @erin-janus

Erin's originality, quick wit and thought-provoking productions garnered international recognition during her many zealous, dedicated years of creative activism and journalism to bring awareness to animal cruelty. Her videos delve into the depths of...

117k subscribers
PLANT BASED NEWS @plant-based-news

As an impact media platform, PBN aims to educate & inspire its audience through unique stories, news, & features. With an award-winning news team & a network of health and environmental experts, PBN provides the resources & information needed to mak...

24.3M subscribers