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Our range of plant-based meat alternatives make eating meat free tasty and easy. Download a FREE eCookbook now bit.ly/FrysEatBetter.
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Suggested Impactors
The Superfood Goddess @the-superfood-goddess

Hello Beautifuls!! ❤️❤️ my name is Stephie, also known as “The Superfood Goddess.” Join me as I cook nutrient dense meals that are sure to fuel you and taste delicious. I believe our food is medicine. I went vegan in 2009 and each day I am more and m...

115.2k subscribers
HealthyGirl Kitchen @healthygirl-kitchen

Danielle Brown is the founder and CEO of the wildly popular plant-based lifestyle brand, HealthyGirl Kitchen. She shares easy-to-make vegan recipes across social media with her millions of devoted followers who want to learn how to eat healthier, fal...

0 subscribers
EatMoveRest @eatmoverest

🌟 ON SALE NOW! The Happy Healthy Plant-Based Cookbook - Get Your Copy at EatMoveRest.com/book There are three things we all do every day, and we could all be doing them better: Eat Move Rest! 🥗🏃‍♀️💤 Eat more plants, move your body daily, and get ade...

4.7k subscribers
ProVeg International @proveg-international

ProVeg is a leading international food awareness organisation. Our mission is to reduce the global consumption of animals by 50% by the year 2040. ProVeg is working to transform the global food system by replacing conventional animal-based products...

31.5k subscribers
abillion @abillion

The world’s first social commerce platform dedicated to sustainability. Download the app & start making impact now.

56.1k subscribers