Hi, I’m Jessica! Jessica is an award-winning photographer, videographer and home chef who is also now a new mom! Her mission is to provide thoroughly-tested simple and delicious meals from her kitchen to yours. Jessica shares seasoned, delicious vega...
My name is Heather and I'm from Portland, Oregon. I am eating a plant-based, whole foods, unprocessed diet, with no sugar, oil, or salt, to take off weight and regain my life. I once weighed over 436 lbs and have released over 238 lbs eating this w...
LAURA THEODORE, the "JAZZY VEGETARIAN" shares vegan and delicious recipes for health conscious people of all ages, focusing on 100% vegan recipes to help people live a more balanced and sustainable lifestyle. The easy-to-prepare recipes are perfect f...
Donshea Hopkins is making her mark across all platforms as an actress, singer, dancer, and model. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, Donshea began her career as professional actress at the age of four and has since been on some of the biggest hit telev...