Impactor Stats
1 Impact Video
47 Total Followers
47 Subscribers
Fit Fathers is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, not-for-profit corporation that educates and activates through engaging information on positive health habits, fitness tips, nourishment strategies, and complete wellness. We enlighten families with platforms for eating nutritional foods and incorporating stimulating activity in their daily regimen while encouraging lifestyle enhancement. Dads who exercise consistently and eat clean can live longer and more robust.
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Suggested Impactors
Plantriotic @plantriotic

The Plantriotic Channel is a space to learn, discuss, debate, and share information on plant based nutrition and the health, ethical, environmental, economic, athletic, spiritual, and political impacts of a Plant Based Lifestyle.

0 subscribers
MommyVegan @mommyvegan

I am a vegan mommy, certified children's yoga instructor. Passionate about spreading the message of health and compassion.

1.2k subscribers
Our Brazilian Life @our-brazilian-life

Welcome to Our Brazilian Life! We are an American family of 7 from Nevada. We have 5 energetic kids ages 8- 14. We moved to Brazil to experience a new culture, learn a new language and open a trampoline park in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Our channel is...

0 subscribers
The Vegan View @the-vegan-view

The Vegan View is a weekly talk show keeping you up to date with the latest and greatest in the plant-based community. Subscribe to hang out with co-hosts Alessandra Taryn, Hannah Hagler, Joi Liaye and Malina Galabova every Monday morning!

4.3k subscribers
Sarah Lemkus @sarah-lemkus

Heellooo! For four years I shared my life here on YouTube. We travelled, move countries, shared hundreds of recipes, and met some amazing people! Then in 2020, I burnt out, my health failed and I’ve been taking a long break from YouTube ever since. Y...

390.2k subscribers