El Hogar Animal Sanctuary

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3 Impact Videos
29.4k Total Followers
29.4k Subscribers
El Hogar Animal Sanctuary es una organización que rescata y recupera animales víctimas de la explotación, educa en el veganismo y lucha por los Derechos Animales y contra el especismo.

Es un proyecto conjunto que nace de la unión de dos asociaciones con el objetivo de crear la herramienta perfecta para ayudar a los animales y luchar por sus derechos, concienciando a la sociedad a través de la educación y la empatía y promoviendo el cambio sobre la base de una información científica veraz en materia de salud, medio ambiente y ética.
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gentlebarn @gentlebarn

The Gentle Barn Foundation is home to hundreds of animals rescued from abuse, neglect and slaughter. Once the animals have healed and are ready, they help us give hope and inspiration to people with the same stories of abuse and neglect. We host abu...

93.6k subscribers
Woodstock Farm Sanctuary @woodstock-farm-sanctuary

Woodstock Farm Sanctuary envisions a peaceful world rooted in respect and justice for all living beings. We seek to end animal agriculture by rescuing farmed animals, giving them lifelong care and sanctuary, and educating about the harms of animal fa...

3.9M subscribers
SASHAFarmAnimalSanctuary @sashafarmanimalsanctuary

SASHA Farm Animal Sanctuary is located in Manchester, Michigan and we are the Midwest's largest farm animal sanctuary. At our shelter, not only do we provide food, water, shelter, and veterinary care, we also give the animal residents affection, soc...

9.2k subscribers
Kindred Spirits Care Farm @kindred-spirits-care-farm

Farm Animal Sanctuary in Los Angeles, California. At Kindred Spirits Care Farm, our mission is to promote compassion, cooperation and connection with the earth, animals and each other through sustainable care farming. Kindred Spirits Care Farm is a r...

315.6k subscribers