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Dr. Michael Klaper is an experienced physician, an internationally-recognized teacher and sought-after speaker on diet and health. In addition to his clinical practice and private consultations with patients, he is a passionate and devoted educator of physicians and other healthcare professionals about the importance of nutrition in clinical practice and integrative medicine.

He resolutely believes that proper nutrition — through a whole-food, plant-based diet — and a balanced lifestyle are essential for health.

For interview requests and media inquiries, please reach out to info@doctorklaper.com
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Mia Sabathy白彌兒 @mia-sabathy

Hi Leute! Ich bin Mia von Austria's Next Topmodel 2015, und das ist mein YouTube-Kanal :) Hier findet ihr folgende Themen: Infos und Updates Tierversuchsfreie Kosmetik & Pflege Ernährung (vegetarisch/vegan) und viele lustige Challenges und Projekte...

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NutritionFacts.org @nutritionfactsorg

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PLANT BASED NEWS @plant-based-news

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ProVeg International @proveg-international

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31.5k subscribers
EatMoveRest @eatmoverest

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4.7k subscribers