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Alex J. O’Connor is founder of the Cosmic Skeptic YouTube channel, podcast and blog, platforms dedicated to the publication of philosophical ideas and debates in an accessible format. He is currently reading for a degree in philosophy and theology at St John’s College, Oxford University.
Alex is an international public speaker and debater, having delivered addresses in multiple continents at conferences, universities, and local drinking groups, as well as debated ethics, religion, and politics with a number of high-profile opponents before college audiences, on radio talk shows and on national television.
An impassioned animal rights advocate and religious critic, Alex’s online videos have been viewed thirty million times, attracting over three hundred and fifty thousand people to subscribe to his regular content. He has produced videos with notable experts in respected fields, such as Peter Singer, Richard Dawkins, and William Lane Craig.
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Alex is an international public speaker and debater, having delivered addresses in multiple continents at conferences, universities, and local drinking groups, as well as debated ethics, religion, and politics with a number of high-profile opponents before college audiences, on radio talk shows and on national television.
An impassioned animal rights advocate and religious critic, Alex’s online videos have been viewed thirty million times, attracting over three hundred and fifty thousand people to subscribe to his regular content. He has produced videos with notable experts in respected fields, such as Peter Singer, Richard Dawkins, and William Lane Craig.
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Hijo de Dios.Bienenid@! ;D Mi misión es enseñarte a que seas REALMENTE FELIZ por ti mism@ con practicas demostradas cientificamente, y que conozcas la verdad, aunque al principio te duela aceptarlo ;D Martin es el 1er Youtuber en el mundo en comparti...
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