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Lisa Kitahara @lisa-kitahara

I am a content creator in the vegan, health and fitness space and simmer with excitement to share my everyday simple recipes! ✘ Contact: lisakitahara@hotmail.com ✘ Instagram: @lisakitahara ✘ Tumblr: lisakitahara.tumblr.com

15.6k subscribers
Get Vegan Grub @get-vegan-grub-1

An ethical vegan-owned UK-based platform to find vegan food prepared by independent local businesses. #crueltyfree #vegan #delivery #govegan

7.9k subscribers
Carnism Debunked @carnism-debunked

Debates, debunks, animal rights movement commentary, and spicy livestreams!

25.3k subscribers
MommyVegan @mommyvegan

I am a vegan mommy, certified children's yoga instructor. Passionate about spreading the message of health and compassion.

1.2k subscribers
Nourish Atelier @nourish-atelier

Vegetarian Inspiration and recipe videos from Nourish Atelier. www.nourishatelier.com https://www.instagram.com/nourish_atelier/

4.3k subscribers