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3 Impact Videos
734k Total Followers
734k Subscribers
Quality videos based around vegan fitness, self help, and vlogs.
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Vegan ist Ungesund @vegan-ist-ungesund

Gordon & Aljosha von Vegan ist ungesund wollten dieses Veganismus mal in ihrer Freizeit ausprobieren. Was neben grünen Haaren, Stockarmen und Brustwachstum (auf Grund von Soja) alles passiert ist, erfahrt ihr in ihren Videos. Jeden Montag 17:00 komm...

850 subscribers
Doug McNish @doug-mcnish

Award winning vegan chef, media personality, brand spokesperson, 4 times cookbook author and more! Tune in for recipe videos and more all about veganism. At one time I cooked animals for a living. I woke up and realized veganism was the only way t...

162k subscribers
Rich Roll @rich-roll

Thanks for stopping by! I used to be an unhealthy corporate lawyer. At 40 I decided to change my life. I switched to a 100% plant-based diet, lost 50 pounds and started exploring human potential across a spectrum mind/body/spirit disciplines: ultra-e...

42.6k subscribers
World of Vegan @world-of-vegan

World of Vegan is your hub for the latest vegan recipes, news, trends, lifestyle content and more! Hosted by long-time vegan activist and filmmaker Michelle Cehn (michellecehn.com), our videos are both inspirations and fun, and often include special...

3.7M subscribers