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1 Impact Video
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338 Subscribers
This channel exists to showcase some the work of the Population and Sustainability team - a program of the Center for Biological Diversity. In these videos, we address some of the biggest problems humans, wildlife and the planet are facing.

Here, we can have an honest conversation about the devastating effects of population pressure on the planet, how our consumption of unsustainable items, the importance of reducing our meat and dairy consumption and trying a plant-based, earth-friendly diet and how

Learn more about how our program is tackling these issues at biologicaldiversity.org/progra...
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Ben Britten @ben-britten

Graphic VI uses design to penetrate the mainstream and can market you with the aggression that many contemporary designers are afraid to use

131.6k subscribers
Intersectional Environmentalist @intersectional-environmentalist

IE is a community committed to dismantling systems of oppression by amplifying historically silenced voices in the environmental movement. Intersectional environmentalism is an inclusive version of environmentalism that advocates for both the prote...

15.1k subscribers
VegfestUK @vegfestuk

VegfestUK organise some of the UK's biggest vegan festivals! Each of these festivals is packed with quality vegan food and other products, on top of education from talks and cookery demos, entertainment from live music and kids activities, plus load...

1.5k subscribers
Unnatural Vegan @unnatural-vegan

I’ve been vegan for about 15 years (in 2024). My husband has been vegan even longer, & our 3 young children since birth. I’m really not a fan of family vlogging, so you won’t see any of them here. I make some fun, food-centric videos, like my “aweso...

44.2k subscribers