Chlorophyll Media

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There is a lack of representation of people of color in the vegan community. One of the main criticisms of a plant-based diet is that it’s for privileged white people. Certainly, there is some ignorance to this. However popular images of vegans often portray white people who have been at the forefront of the plant-based movement. In 2012, a study by the US Dept. of Agriculture found blacks as leading consumers of meat. Why mainly because of food deserts that exist in black communities. With veganism on the rise, it is important to change the prototypical image of vegans. Despite attempts to make veganism more diverse, it is not prominent within the black community because of poor access. 2.5% of Americans are now vegan according to a study by The Vegetarian Resource Group. The 2.5% is not a homogeneous group so why don’t the ads reflect a more diverse reality? Chlorophyll Media was created to fill this gap by sharing experiences of a plant-based lifestyle through the lives of people
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Vegan Mainstream @vegan-mainstream

Inspirational stories + practical tips & tools for vegan entrepreneurs.🌱 We’re here to help you align your career, your values & your dreams. 💫 Free webinars, coaching, online courses & more. Let's change the world together! Vegan Mainstream provi...

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