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Making plant-based cooking delicious, abundant and exciting
I'm a new twin mom and vegan chef. Can't wait to share with you what I know and explore together what I don't. Certified in Plant-Based Nutrition, eCornell and T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies
Hey, I'm Zanna! Welcome to my little corner of the internet where I share my life & passions, I hope you tune in :) xx
Delicious, Easy to Make Home Cooking You're watching 30 years of experience. I've published 17 cookbooks, and I'm not done. I cook with veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, vegan products. I bake with the standard baking goods, and use plant based butters...
Hi! I'm Kristen! I'm a California-based author of the new cookbook Fridge Love, and the creator of the food and health website Hello Nutritarian! Hello Nutritarian began as my own personal journal as I navigated a new high-nutrient lifestyle that...