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Official YouTube channel of animal rights activist George Martin and of the website CarnismDebunked.com (humanely slaughtering the arguments for animal exploitation).
SUBSCRIBE for vegan truth bombs and critical analysis of anti-vegan arguments.
As of 2020, my goal is to grow this platform and dedicate my full time to it. If you value Carnism Debunked as a resource and value me as an animal rights activist, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can dedicate all my time to making logical and hard-hitting animal liberation content, perfecting the Carnism Debunked website, doing workshops to help people refine their argument skills, and running the Carnism Debunked podcast!
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SUBSCRIBE for vegan truth bombs and critical analysis of anti-vegan arguments.
As of 2020, my goal is to grow this platform and dedicate my full time to it. If you value Carnism Debunked as a resource and value me as an animal rights activist, consider supporting me on Patreon so I can dedicate all my time to making logical and hard-hitting animal liberation content, perfecting the Carnism Debunked website, doing workshops to help people refine their argument skills, and running the Carnism Debunked podcast!
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Earthling Ed
Ed Winters is a best-selling author, vegan educator, public speaker and content creator. Ed has spoken at over 1/3 of UK universities and at every Ivy league college, including as a guest lecturer at Harvard University. In 2022, Ed taught as a Media...
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🌱Mouthwatering Vegan Recipes For All 💚Many Top 9 Free 📍NJ, USA 🎉 150K+ on Youtube 💌: makeitdairyfreetoday@gmail.com #MakeItDairyFree ↓Recipes↓
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The Vegan View
The Vegan View is a weekly talk show keeping you up to date with the latest and greatest in the plant-based community. Subscribe to hang out with co-hosts Alessandra Taryn, Hannah Hagler, Joi Liaye and Malina Galabova every Monday morning!
4.3k subscribers