CARE: Conference on Animal Rights in Europe

Impactor Stats
4 Impact Videos
547 Total Followers
547 Subscribers
The Conference on Animal Rights in Europe (CARE) is an international conference aimed at connecting and inspiring animal rights groups throughout Europe. Through workshops and networking opportunities, all groups can come together and empower each other to establish the best possible directions for the animal rights movement to take.

The conference is a chance to meet and grow with organizations and individuals both new and established. By supporting each other through discussion and debate, the animal rights movement can evolve, strengthen, and solidify. While the movement may be made up of individuals, we believe that coming together to meet minds, exchange ideas, and share strategies strengthens the cause as a whole.
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Suggested Impactors
VeganKanal @vegankanal

VeganKanal is helping vegan activists and animal rights activist to spread the word by filming all the amazing presentations and workshops at the International Animal Rights Conference in Luxembourg (IARC). The videos will help you get active for Veg...

0 subscribers
Faunalytics @faunalytics

Thanks for visiting our YouTube page! We are Faunalytics, and we are dedicated to helping animal advocates be as effective as possible through our evidence-based research, analysis, strategies, and messages. To learn more about us and what we do, vi...

0 subscribers