Benny the Vegan

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8 Impact Videos
8.1k Total Followers
8.1k Subscribers
I used to make fun of vegans. Now I'm a vegan activist. I am traveling across the United States indefinitely, doing as much activism as I can.
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Suggested Impactors
La petite Okara @la-petite-okara

Recettes végétales stylées 🌿 et sujets d’actu ! Marion, bientôt 30 ans et vegan depuis 10 ans 🙌. Toujours vivant, rassurez-vous, toujours la banane, toujours debout 😄. Autrice du livre « 30 jours pour devenir vegan » aux éditions Solar et « Vegan p...

0 subscribers
Peace By Vegan @peace-by-vegan

Ryuji Chua is a filmmaker and animal advocate focused on challenging how we think about and treat animals through education. He’s been a guest speaker at schools like the University of Warwick and the University of Chicago, produced videos for leadi...

0 subscribers
Carissa Kranz @carissa-kranz

The Laws that Matter

25.2k subscribers
Lauren Toyota @lauren-toyota

Lauren is sharing her passion for living consciously, creatively, and in the moment. Through her vlogs, Lauren In Real Life, she’ll inspire you to create the life you desire and maybe eat vegan along the way. * What I Ate In A Day * Vegan Hauls * Tr...

0 subscribers
James Aspey @james-aspey

Puttin the G in veGan

1.2M subscribers