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Before the Butcher™ is all about making the best plant-based products we can at a price that everyone can afford. Our Plant Meat ™ was developed not just for vegans and vegetarians but for meat eaters, as well. All of our plant-based proteins are gluten-free, Non-GMO and 100% cholesterol-free. BtB Plant Meat™ has the familiar bite, chew and taste of animal meat. So good, in fact, that you might not even realize you are eating a meat-less meal. Enjoy! btbfoods.com
We are on MISSION...
…to elevate the pant-based revolution, educate our youth and inspire others with plant-based proteins that satisfy nutritional needs all while providing superior texture and taste.
…is for universal acceptance of plant-based proteins as a legitimate and preferred alternative to feed the world.
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We are on MISSION...
…to elevate the pant-based revolution, educate our youth and inspire others with plant-based proteins that satisfy nutritional needs all while providing superior texture and taste.
…is for universal acceptance of plant-based proteins as a legitimate and preferred alternative to feed the world.
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Minimalist Baker
Welcome, everyone! Minimalist Baker celebrates simple cooking by sharing recipes that require 10 ingredients or less, 1 bowl, or 30 minute or less to prepare. All eaters are welcome. Whether you’re new to Minimalist Baker or have been around for a w...
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