
Impactor Stats
1 Impact Video
63.8k Total Followers
63.8k Subscribers
I'm a yoga obsessed, fruit loving mom of two, sharing my passion for my practice and my whole foods plant based vegan lifestyle. I'm a certified yoga instructor and have been practicing for 18 years.
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Hench Herbivore @hench-herbivore

Hi, I'm Paul Kerton - a vegan Personal Trainer and Nutritionist from Norwich, England. Welcome to the official Hench Herbivore YouTube channel! As a bodybuilder, I likely used to eat more animal products than anyone you've ever met, but then I learn...

10.2M subscribers
Aseel Soueid @aseel-soueid

27 years old. Type 1 Diabetic for over 23 years and Celiac Disease for over 18 years. No matter what conditions or circumstances you face, never let it hold you back. Fitness model, online trainer and vlogger.

64.5k subscribers
Cole Hastings @cole-hastings

Promoting nuanced ideas in a digital world of extremes. For business enquiries:

0 subscribers
CatyCake @catycake

E-Mail: Impressum: Kathrin Seidel Parkstr. 30 64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf Telefon: 069-34871125

42 subscribers
nimai_delgado @nimai-delgado-1

🌱Vegan Fitness Trainer 🚫Never Eaten Meat 🏋🏻‍♂️Founder of @vedgenutrition & @veganfitnesscom 👇🏼New podcast every Tuesday.

24.5k subscribers