Asher’s Farm Sanctuary

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2 Impact Videos
2.9k Total Followers
24 Subscribers
We are the first registered farm animal sanctuary in Gauteng, South Africa.
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Suggested Impactors
Animals Asia @animals-asia

Animals Asia is working with the Vietnam government to rescue the last bears who remain on bile farms across the country, and end bear bile farming forever by 2026. We are building a new sanctuary which will be home to these bears. They will need ext...

174k subscribers
Santuario Vegan @santuario-vegan

Fundada en septiembre de 2011, Fundación Santuario Vegan ofrece un hogar seguro a los animales considerados de granja. Son animales que han sufrido la explotación más directa, en granjas donde son confinados, enjaulados, donde muchos de ellos no reci...

2.2M subscribers
Kindred Spirits Care Farm @kindred-spirits-care-farm

Farm Animal Sanctuary in Los Angeles, California. At Kindred Spirits Care Farm, our mission is to promote compassion, cooperation and connection with the earth, animals and each other through sustainable care farming. Kindred Spirits Care Farm is a r...

315.6k subscribers
El Hogar Animal Sanctuary @el-hogar-animal-sanctuary

El Hogar Animal Sanctuary es una organización que rescata y recupera animales víctimas de la explotación, educa en el veganismo y lucha por los Derechos Animales y contra el especismo. Es un proyecto conjunto que nace de la unión de dos asociaciones...

2.8k subscribers
Uplands PEAK Sanctuary @uplands-peak-sanctuary

Indiana’s first farmed animal sanctuary—PEAK offers educational tours to meet our residents and so much more. Come out to enjoy 105+ of Freedom! Uplands PEAK Sanctuary 6444 Freedom Arney Rd. Freedom, IN 47431

790k subscribers