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4 Impact Videos
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Christa Clark is an author and food blogger. Christa encourages others to discover the wonderful benefits of a plant based lifestyle where you can “count your colors and not your calories”! She is the creator of the vegan blog artisticvegan.com and author of “Artistic Vegan: Meatless Mainstays for Modern Man” and "The Artistic Vegan Cookbook: An Alchemical Transformation". Now you can join Christa in her kitchen where you can cook with her in the Artistic Vegan Show! Other recipes videos will be featured here as well.

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Obi Makapane @obi-makapane

Fitness, vlogs and plant-based life

2.8k subscribers
Taina Licciardo-Toivola @taina-licciardo-toivola

Mum of 10 vlogging my lifestyle. • Plant-Based over processed. • Homeschooler for 22 years. 🌿....But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord....

0 subscribers
Audrey Dunham @audrey-dunham

Vegan living has never been easier or more delicious! See how to quickly make vegan meals and treats by watching Audrey Dunham's short videos. Bonus: most of these recipes are gluten free, as well!

6.3k subscribers