Arthurs Acres Animal Sanctuary

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Little Buckets Farm Sanctuary @little-buckets-farm-sanctuary

Little Buckets Farm Sanctuary is a nonprofit registered 501(c)(3) animal rescue, striving to give as many animals a safe and loving home they all so deserve. We offer a forever sanctuary to horses, goats, cows, donkeys, pigs, dogs, and cats who all n...

56k subscribers
SafeHavenSanctuary @safehavensanctuary

At the heart of Safe Haven Farm Sanctuary's mission is the notion that animals are sentient beings who deserve to be treated with compassion and respect. All creatures share the earth with us and are not here to be used by us.

199k subscribers
Rosina Espig @rosina-espig

Artist, philosopher and animal sanctuary owner - here to create bridges between humans and animals 🐷🍃

39 subscribers
Vegan FTA @vegan-fta

We are a small team of vegan activists who are committed to fighting for a vegan world. We want people to get involved in vegan activism across the board, whether it's protesting or creating a positive dialogue for change -- we support activism in al...

254.3k subscribers
The Dodo @the-dodo

The home for animal people.

1.3k subscribers