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Exposing truth. Inspiring change. We disrupt Big Ag & promote #vegan eating. đź’š Host of @dcvegfest
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Compassion Champs @compassion-champs

Our driving Force at Compassion Champs: LIVE BIG. Set a goal so big that if you achieved it, it would blow your mind. Think big, dream big, believe big and the results will BE big. Compassion Champs is here to educate all types of athletes on the im...

539.4k subscribers
Sociedade Vegetariana Brasileira - SVB @sociedade-vegetariana-brasileira-svb

Promovendo o vegetarianismo como uma opção alimentar ética, saudável, sustentável e socialmente justa.

0 subscribers
The Aspen Institute @the-aspen-institute

The Aspen Institute is a global nonprofit organization committed to realizing a free, just, and equitable society. Founded in 1949, the Institute drives change through dialogue, leadership, and action to help solve the most important challenges facin...

61.7k subscribers
In Defense of Animals @in-defense-of-animals

Working to protect the rights,welfare and habitats of animals. FIGHTING APATHY, BUILDING EMPATHY: In Defense of Animals works to educate the public to fight apathy, build empathy and take concrete action to end all forms of animal exploitation...

0 subscribers
farmsanctuary @farmsanctuary

Farm Sanctuary was founded in 1986 to combat the abuses of factory farming and to encourage a new awareness and understanding about "farm animals." At Farm Sanctuary, these animals are our friends, not our food. Over the years, we have rescued tho...

0 subscribers