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Sociedade Vegetariana Brasileira - SVB @sociedade-vegetariana-brasileira-svb

Promovendo o vegetarianismo como uma opção alimentar ética, saudável, sustentável e socialmente justa.

0 subscribers
Caitlin Cimini @caitlin-cimini

Hi! Caitlin here! I rescue animals, climb mountains and read books. Rancho Relaxo is a 501(c)(3) animal rescue farm and organization. The rescue has been running since 2012 privately – and, in 2015, celebrated becoming an official tax exempt nonprof...

33.5k subscribers
El Hogar Animal Sanctuary @el-hogar-animal-sanctuary

El Hogar Animal Sanctuary es una organización que rescata y recupera animales víctimas de la explotación, educa en el veganismo y lucha por los Derechos Animales y contra el especismo. Es un proyecto conjunto que nace de la unión de dos asociaciones...

11.2k subscribers
Kindness Trust @kindness-trust

Tens of thousands of people just like you, working to promote kindness towards all other living beings, right around the world; Act. Don't react. See a need, fix it first. Worry about the details later. If you wait until you are asked you have jus...

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