Impactor Stats
4 Impact Videos
8.9k Total Followers
8.9k Subscribers
Met onthullende undercoverbeelden, goed onderzoekswerk, sterke argumenten, levensreddende acties en krachtige petities is Animal Rights een ware stem voor de allerzwaksten in de maatschappij.

Wij zijn actief in Nederland en België en zetten ons 100% in voor dierenrechten.

animalrights.nl // animalrights.be
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Suggested Impactors
Sociedade Vegetariana Brasileira - SVB @sociedade-vegetariana-brasileira-svb

Promovendo o vegetarianismo como uma opção alimentar ética, saudável, sustentável e socialmente justa.

0 subscribers
Animals Asia @animals-asia

Animals Asia is working with the Vietnam government to rescue the last bears who remain on bile farms across the country, and end bear bile farming forever by 2026. We are building a new sanctuary which will be home to these bears. They will need ext...

174k subscribers
SHARK @shark

SHowing Animals Respect & Kindness (SHARK) is a nonprofit, 501(c)3, animal protection organization. Our primary method of dealing with animal abuse is to videotape cruelty and publicize it. Video footage is supplied to the media, government agencie...

0 subscribers
Direct Action Everywhere - DxE @direct-action-everywhere-dxe

Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) is a direct action network of ordinary people, formed using the model of grassroots networks in the history of social justice -- ACT UP, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, the Women's Social and Political Un...

0 subscribers
Beyond Carnism @beyond-carnism

Beyond Carnism works to expose and transform carnism, the invisible belief system that conditions people to eat certain animals. Carnism causes extensive suffering. Animal agriculture is responsible for the unnecessary slaughter of 77 billion land...

0 subscribers