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3 Impact Videos
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Julieanna Hever @julieanna-hever

Julieanna Hever, MS, RD, CPT, The Plant-Based Dietitian, has a BA in Theatre and an MS in Nutrition, bridging her biggest passions for food, presenting, and helping people. She has authored nine books, including the new Choose You Now Diet, The Healt...

513k subscribers
Chef Jazz @chef-jazz

If you're new here, 👋🏾HEEYYYYY my name is Jazz!!! I'm a 30 year old Full-Time Monetized Content Creator, SAHM of 5, Wifey to AP, Chef🔪, and Small Business Owner in St. Louis who’s most known for my one-of-a-kind Fried Cauliflower Bites🍗& Postpartum...

1.1k subscribers