Agriculture Fairness Alliance

Impactor Stats
1 Impact Video
216 Total Followers
216 Subscribers
AFA lobbies for At-Risk Farmer legislation, that transitions farmers to sustainable, non-exploitative plant-farming or green energy production.
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Suggested Impactors
Amazing Vegan Outreach @amazing-vegan-outreach

Helping others align their actions with their values.

22.7k subscribers
Patrik Baboumian @patrik-baboumian

Patrik Baboumian is a former strength athlete who is known for being the first internationally successful strongman to adopt a strictly vegan lifestyle back in 2011. He is known for being one of the main protagonists in The Game Changers documentary...

489.8k subscribers
Erin Janus @erin-janus

Erin's originality, quick wit and thought-provoking productions garnered international recognition during her many zealous, dedicated years of creative activism and journalism to bring awareness to animal cruelty. Her videos delve into the depths of...

117k subscribers
VeganEvan - Official YouTube Vegan Evan & Family @veganevan-official-youtube-vegan-evan-family

Meet 14-year-old VeganEvan, the World’s Youngest Certified Vegan Lifestyle Coach & Educator! Evan is an ambassador & spokesperson for Solutionary Species. His journey into veganism and animal rights really got going at the age of 4, and since then, h...

63.6k subscribers
How To Vegan Podcast @how-to-vegan-podcast

Let's talk all things vegan! From the ethical and environmental implications of going vegan, to the amazing health benefits of a plant-based diet, 'How To Vegan' is gonna cover it all. So hit that play button and let's get started! ♡ instagram: @howt...

0 subscribers