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My name is Derek and I am a Certified Nutritional Practitioner. I focus on vegan nutrition and help people from all over the world thrive on a whole foods, plant based diet. I'm here to motivate and inspire you to live your best life! Brand partners...
My name's Brian Turner and I'm here to teach you how to get buff, eat good vegan food and have fun! I live in San Diego, California and was born on September 23, 1992! I've been bodybuilding for 16 years and 9 of that as a vegan! For business inqu...
Gretchen Price is a CIA trained pastry chef with over 25 years in the professional bakery industry. She owned a bakery in New Jersey for 10 years and is now creating vegan desserts here on YouTube to prove that you will never miss a thing by omittin...
Im an average dude trying to do above average things. Im a family man who rides bikes, looks for adventure, and tells the story as I saw it. #RideALLTheBikes