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1 Impact Video
4.8k Total Followers
4.8k Subscribers
Hello internet! Welcome to my YouTube art channel! Every week-day I bring you new art videos and tutorials. From caricature and perspective lessons to cartoon construction and character design. Subscribe to keep up with all the new videos!
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So Freakin’ Vegan @so-freakin-vegan

Veganism saved my life! This channel is for making a vegan lifestyle simple, easy, and fun for everyone! Parodies | How Tos | Vlogs Email: sofreakinv@gmail.com Instagram: SoFreakinVegan

0 subscribers
Julia Bausenhardt @julia-bausenhardt

Hello, my name is Julia Bausenhardt. I’m an illustrator and nature enthusiast and I love to sketch nature and wildlife. On this channel I share tips on how to learn sketching, traditional painting with watercolor, and how to explore nature through d...

507 subscribers
Camille DeAngelis @camille-deangelis

Creativity and personal growth for full-hearted humans.

11.6k subscribers
TorontoPigSave @torontopigsave

Our mission is to put "glass walls" on Toronto slaughterhouses, including Quality Meat Packers at 677 Wellington St. W., St. Helen's Meat Packers, Ryding-Regency Meat Packers and Genesis Meat Packers all 3 slaughterhouses located on Glen Scarlett Rd....

2.7M subscribers