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4 Impact Videos
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Ben Britten @ben-britten

Graphic VI uses design to penetrate the mainstream and can market you with the aggression that many contemporary designers are afraid to use

131.6k subscribers
Stef Sanjati @stef-sanjati

Hi you! My name is Stef Sanjati, welcome to my home! https://linktr.ee/stefsanjati I'm a lifestyle creator with an emphasis on gaming, beauty, home reno & family life. I'm also a transgender advocacy expert, and I strive to showcase trans joy. I'...

1.2M subscribers
Animal Save Movement @animal-save-movement

Animal Save Movement is a network of more than 300 chapters around the world in more than two dozen countries that invite non-vegans to join their regular animal vigils at the front gates of slaughterhouses. Our mission is to spread the idea that we...

274k subscribers
TorontoPigSave @torontopigsave

Our mission is to put "glass walls" on Toronto slaughterhouses, including Quality Meat Packers at 677 Wellington St. W., St. Helen's Meat Packers, Ryding-Regency Meat Packers and Genesis Meat Packers all 3 slaughterhouses located on Glen Scarlett Rd....

2.7M subscribers