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1 Impact Video
12.4k Total Followers
12.4k Subscribers
We’re Sonja & Alex Overhiser, a writer and photographer who love to cook. We share whole food vegetarian recipes we cook in our kitchen.

Find all of our recipes at acouplecooks.com
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Suggested Impactors
Nathalie Kemna @nathalie-kemna

Hi allemaal! Ik ben Nathalie en leuk dat jullie een kijkje nemen op mijn YouTube kanaal! Ik blog op www.nathalie-kemna.nl, Instagram @nathaliekemna, studeer en post sinds kort filmpjes van mijn leven. In mijn vlogs neem je een kijkje in mijn persoonl...

14k subscribers
Taina Licciardo-Toivola @taina-licciardo-toivola

Mum of 10 vlogging my lifestyle. • Plant-Based over processed. • Homeschooler for 22 years. 🌿....But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord....

0 subscribers
Rated V For Vegan @rated-v-for-vegan

Travel with me as I help you find the best vegan food in the world, city guides, new recipes, and vegan product reviews. Most importantly, I show you how fun a vegan lifestyle can be. If you want to know more about my vegan lifestyle as a vegan food...

0 subscribers
Obi Makapane @obi-makapane

Fitness, vlogs and plant-based life

2.9k subscribers
Colleen Patrick-Goudreau @colleen-patrick-goudreau

A thought leader on the culinary, social, ethical, and practical aspects of living vegan, Colleen Patrick-Goudreau is an award-winning author of seven books, including the bestselling The Joy of Vegan Baking, The Vegan Table, Color Me Vegan, Vegan's...

165k subscribers